发布时间:2024-07-23 10:02:00
1. 假如愚蠢是一种优点,某些人可以轻易地称之为天赐的恩惠。 If stupidity is a virtue, some people can easily consider it a divine gift.
2. 有些人的嘴巴,说得像一场连环炸弹,随时准备引爆。 Some people's mouths speak like a series of bombs ready to explode at any moment.
3. 那个人的外表,让人不禁想起一条游过来的食人鲨。 That person's appearance makes one think of a cannibalistic shark swimming over.
4. 往好里说,他是个富二代;往坏里说,他是个毫无出息的废物。 To put it positively, he is a second-generation rich; to put it negatively, he is a worthless waste.
5. 他那尖酸刻薄的话语和恶意的眼神,让我想起一只被惹怒的毒蜘蛛。 His biting words and malicious gaze remind me of an angered poisonous spider.
6. 好像他的身上有一种吸血鬼的气息,让人不寒而栗。 It seems like there is a vampire's air around him that makes one shudder.
7. 每一次面对他那张面容,仿佛就是在和一只鬼魂交流。 Each time facing his face, it is as if communicating with a ghost.
8. 有些人的气质,就像是一片死寂的沉默。 Some people's temperament is like a silent, deathly stillness.
9. 那个人的脑袋,让人不由得想起一个曾经遭受过美国空袭的城市。 That person's head makes one think of a city that has suffered from a US air strike.
10. 就算他闭上眼睛,也无法让人忘记他那张令人作呕的脸庞。 Even if he closes his eyes, he cannot make one forget his nauseating face.
11. 让人难以忘怀的不是他的言谈,而是他那猥琐的表情。 What is unforgettable is not his words, but his sleazy expression.
12. 他的眼神像是针尖上的鼓励,让人黯然失色。 His gaze is like discouragement on a needlepoint, making one feel disheartened.
13. 有些人的外表,足以毁掉一个人的整个形象。 Some people's appearance is enough to ruin a person's entire image.
14. 看到他那张脸,我就像看到了一张荒凉的大地图,一片荒芜寂静。 Seeing his face is like viewing a barren map, a land of desolation and quietness.
15. 那人的长相真是让我有些怀疑上帝的美感标准。 That person's appearance makes me doubt God's standards of beauty.
16. 就算他站在美丽的花丛中,也毫无减色之感,只能说是条柿子在花丛里。 Even if he stands in a beautiful flower garden, he has no allure, and is like a persimmon in the midst of flowers.
17. 那张脸完全就是大自然的意外创造,实在令人不忍直视。 That face is completely nature's accidental creation, really difficult to look at.
18. 有时候我在想,那人的脸就像是厨师手中没掌握好火候的鸡蛋,遗憾至极。 Sometimes, I think that person's face is like a chef's egg that is not well cooked, regrettable to the extreme.
19. 这不是一张脸,而是一块难看的拼图,每一块都不和谐。 This is not a face, but an ugly puzzle, with each piece not harmonizing.
20. 她的样貌犹如一个15岁的孩子,只是多了鱼尾纹和皱纹。 Her appearance is like a 15-year-old child, only with crow's feet and wrinkles.
21. 对于他的形象,我只能说是一场整容手术的灾难性失败。 Regarding his image, I can only say it is a catastrophic failure of plastic surgery.
22. 如果真有寿命短暂的东西,我相信这家伙的外貌肯定是它们之一。 If there really are short-lived things, I am sure this guy's appearance is one of them.
23. 他的脸上除了让人心生反感外,真是毫无值得探究的价值。 Apart from causing revulsion, his face really holds no value for exploration.
24. 想不到萝卜白菜各有所爱这种话是如此地正确,因为存在与世的他实在难以给出其他解释。 The saying "different strokes for different folks" is so accurate because he, existing in the world, is difficult to explain otherwise.
25. 那张脸就像一张血腥的猪肝,在阳光下一无所有的鲜艳。 That face is like a bloody pig liver, glaring without anything under the sun.
26. 至少可以说,如果人类真的需要一只色盲的警犬,他的脸肯定能胜任这个角色。 At least it can be said that if humanity really needs a color-blind police dog, his face can certainly fulfill that role.
27. 那人在我心中留下的印象就像一旁尚未孵化的鸟蛋,看上去晦暗且缺乏生气。 That person's impression in my heart is like an un-hatched bird's egg to the side, appearing dull and lacking in vitality.
28. 至少某些科学家在对他的基因进行研究时,应该是勇气十足的。 At least some scientists studying his genes should have a lot of courage.
29. 若论美丽是才华的一种体现,那么他真是一位充分发挥的行家。 If beauty is an expression of talent, then he is certainly an expert in fully expressing it.
30. 猪是否能快乐的像人,我们不知道;但是人容易满足的像猪,我们是常看见的。 Whether pigs can be happy like humans, we do not know; but we often see humans being easily satisfied like pigs.